
Dream Ray Skin and Scalp Scrubber


Ultrasonic Skin Scrubber that uses micro-vibrations and red and green light to exfoliate, revitalize and firm the skin.



The Dream Ray Ultrasonic Skin Scrubber uses micro-vibrations, red and green light to exfoliate the skin of dirt, oil and dead skin cells. The scrubber improves circulation, reduces pore sizes, and enhances hydration, leaving the skin firmer and more radiant. When paired with skin and scalp care products, it's deeper penetration for a more effective treatment, unlocking the full potential of your skincare routine.

Key features

Cleansing and Peeling: Micro-vibrations lift impurities and dead cells from the skin.

Nutrition: Uses a green light with Negative Ions and vibrations to help revitalize and promote blood circulation to restore vitality in the skin. Through micro-vibrations, this skin scrubber allows the product to penetrate deeper into the skin for better absorption.

Firming Up: Uses a red light with positive ions to attract dirt and remove impurities from the skin. The micro-vibrations soften the impurities making it easier to remove.



Clean the face with soap and water. You can either apply serums and creams or keep your face bare. For the scalp, apply treatment products.


Select the mode, Cleasning and Peeling, Nutrition or Firming up, and gently rub the scrubber side against the face or scalp.


Clean the DreamRay with a soft cloth and store it away from direct sunlight.